Aaron Chockla


Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, 2012

M.S., Chemical Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, 2009

B.Ch.E., Chemical Engineering, University of Delaware, 2007


Semiconductor nanomaterial synthesis

Lithium-ion batteries and energy storage

Photovoltaic devices

Flexible electronic devices

Optical properties of nanomaterials


Chockla, Aaron, M.; Harris, Justin T.; Akhavan, Vahid A.; Bogart, Timothy D.; Holmberg, Vincent C.; Steinhagen, Chet; Mullins, C. Buddie; Stevenson, Keith J.; Korgel, Brian A., Silicon Nanowire Fabric as a Lithium Ion Battery Electrode Material. Journal of the American Chemical Society (2011), 133(51), 20914-20921. [link]

Chockla, Aaron, M.; Harris, Justin T.; Korgel, Brian A., Colloidal Synthesis of Germanium Nanorods. Chemistry of Materials (2011), 23(7), 1964-1970. [link]

Chockla, Aaron M.; Korgel, Brian A., Seeded germanium nanowire synthesis in solution. Journal of Materials Chemistry (2009), 19(7), 996-1001. [link]

Dumetz, Andre C.; Chockla, Aaron M.; Kaler, Eric W.; Lenhoff, Abraham M., Comparative Effects of Salt, Organic, and Polymer Precipitants on Protein Phase Behavior and Implications for Vapor Diffusion. Crystal Growth and Design (2009), 9(2), 682-691. [link]

Dumetz, Andre C.; Chockla, Aaron M.; Kaler, Eric W.; Lenhoff Abraham M., Effects of pH on protein-protein interactions and implications for protein phase behavior. Biochemica et Biophysica Acta (2008), 1784(4), 600-610. [link]

Dumetz, Andre C.; Chockla, Aaron M.; Kaler, Eric W.; Lenhoff, Abraham M., Protein phase behavior in aqueous solutions: Crystallization, liquid-liquid phase separation, gels, and aggregates. Biophysical Journal (2008), 94(2), 570-583. [link]



