Dr. Michael Abney
Ph.D., 2022, Chemical Engineering
Thesis Title: Photoluminescence and
stability of perovskite-phase CsPbI3 nanocrystals and development of nickel
metal-organic decomposition inks
After graduation: Electroninks
Email: mkabney@utexas.edu
Dr. Wen Liu
Ph.D., 2022, Chemical Engineering
Thesis Title: Solution-processible
nanomaterials for flexible electronic production
After graduation:
Email: wenliu@utexas.edu
Dr. Jungchul Noh
Ph.D., 2022, Chemical Engineering
Thesis Title: Colloidal Quantum Dots for Infrared Light Emission and
After graduation: Postdoctoral Researcher at Los Alamos National Laboratory
Dr. Yangning Zhang
Ph.D., 2021, Chemical Engineering
Thesis Title: Metal Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals: Synthesis, Stability, and Lead-Free
After graduation: Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Toronto
Email: ynzhang@utexas.edu
Dr. Hyun Gyung Kim
Ph.D., 2020, Chemical Engineering
Thesis Title: Synthesis and
characterization of germanium-based nanocrystals
After graduation:
Email: hgkim8955@utexas.edu
Dr. Tushti Shah
Ph.D., 2020, Chemical Engineering
Thesis Title: Structure and stability of
silicon nanosheets and nanocrystals
After graduation:
Email: tushti_shah@utexas.edu
Dr. Tim Siegler
Ph.D., 2019, Chemical Engineering
Thesis Title: Hybrid organic-inorganic
perovskites :
humidity stability and CdTe tandem photovoltaics
After graduation: Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Washington
Email: tsiegler@utexas.edu
Dr. Taizhi Jiang
Ph.D., 2019, Chemical Engineering
Thesis Title: Nanostructured Si and Ge for Applications in Batteries, Aerogels, and
After graduation: View, Inc.
Email: jiangtaizhi@gmail.com
Dr. Dan Houck
Ph.D., 2019, Chemical Engineering
Thesis Title: CuInSe2 nanocrystal
photovoltaics : device physics, defects, and ligand chemistry
After graduation: UbiQD
Email: danhouck@utexas.edu
Dr. Cherrelle Thomas
Ph.D., 2018, Chemical Engineering
Thesis Title: Surface Functionalization of CuInSe2 and CsPbI3 Nanocrystals: Conversion Yields,
Exciton Kinetics, and Thermal Stability
After graduation: Postdoctoral Researcher at Sandia National
Email: cherrelle.thomas@utexas.edu
Dr. Adrien Guillaussier
Ph.D., 2018, Chemical Engineering
Thesis Title: Directing and Characterizing Silicon Nanocrystal Self-Assembly
After graduation: Lam Research
Email: adrien.guillaussier@utexas.edu
Dr. Emily Adkins
Ph.D., 2018, Chemical Engineering
Thesis Title: Silicon and Germanium Battery Materials: Exploring New Structures, Surface
and Full Cell Applications
After graduation: Consultant at ZS Associates
Email: emily.adkins@utexas.edu
Dr. Vikas Reddy
Ph.D., 2017, Chemical Engineering
Thesis Title: Development of Solution Processed, Flexible, CuInSe2 Nanocrystal Solar
After graduation: Intel
Email: vikasreddy@utexas.edu
Dr. Dorothy Silbaugh
Ph.D., 2017, Materials Science and Engineering
Thesis Title: Fluorescent Silicon Nanocrystals for Bioimaging
After graduation:
Email: dsilbaugh@utexas.edu
Dr. Philip Liu
Ph.D., 2017, Chemical Engineering
Thesis Title:
After graduation: Intel
Email: pliu@utexas.edu
Dr. Doug Pernik
Ph.D., 2016, Chemical Engineering
Thesis Title: Micro Solar Cells, Raman Spectroscopy, and Flow Synthesis of CuInSe2
After graduation: Associate in the Materials and Corrosion Engineering division at Exponent
Email: pernik@texas.edu
Dr. Julian Villarreal
Ph.D., 2016, Material Science and Engineering
Thesis Title: In-situ chemical doping of silicon nanowires by supercritical-fluid
After graduation: Freelance translator (Spanish to English) of scientific and technical
Email: julian.v[at]utexas.edu
Dr. Xiaotang Lu
Ph.D., 2015, Material Science and Engineering
Thesis Title: Silicon and Germanium Nanostructures: Synthesis and TEM Studies
After graduation: Post Doc. in Dr. Jeff Lichtman lab at Harvard university
Email: xtang[at]utexas.edu
Dr. Yixuan Yu
Ph.D., 2015, Chemical Engineering
Thesis Title: Functionalization and self assembly of Si nanocrystals.
After graduation: Post Doc. in Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
Email: yixuanyu[at]gmail.com
Dr. Christian Alan Bosoy
Ph.D., 2015, Chemical Engineering
Thesis Title: Modeling of Gold Nanocrystal Assemblies in Superlattices and Vesicles, and the
Synthesis of Nanocrystals for Low-Temperature Solar Cell Fabrication
After graduation: Epic
Email: bosoyc@gmail.com
Dr. Jackson Stolle
Ph.D., 2015, Chemical Engineering
Thesis Title: Low Cost Processing of Copper Indium Selenide Nanocrystals for PV
Current Work: Southwest Research Institute - Applied Power
Email: cjstolle@utexas.edu
Dr. Taylor Harvey
Ph.D., 2014, Chemical Engineering
Thesis Title: Sintering of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Nanocrystal Films for Photovoltaics.
After graduation: Co-Founder at Lucelo technologies
Email: tharvey[at]utexas.edu
Dr. Timothy Bogart
Ph.D., 2014, Chemical Engineering
Thesis Title: Silicon Nanowires: Synthesis and Use as Lithium-Ion Battery Anodes
After graduation: Scientist at Nexeon, Ltd.
Email: tbogart[at]che.utexas.edu
Dr. Chet Steinhagen
Ph.D., 2013, Chemical Engineering
Thesis Title: CuInSe2 Nanowires and Earth-Abundant Nanocrystals for Low-Cost Photovoltaics
After graduation: Carestream Health
Dr. Justin Harris
Ph.D., 2012, Chemical Engineering
Thesis Title: Nanostructuring Silicon and Germanium for High Capacity Anodes in Lithium Ion
After graduation: NanoHybrids
Dr. Michael Rasch
Ph.D., 2012, Chemical Engineering
Thesis Title: Assembly of Colloidal Nanocrystals into Phospholipid Structures and Photothermal
After graduation: Samsung
Dr. Aaron Chockla
Ph.D., 2012, Chemical Engineering
Thesis Title:
After graduation: Samsung
Dr. Vincent Holmberg
Ph.D., 2011, Chemical Engineering
Thesis Title: Semiconductor Nanowires: From a Nanoscale System to a Macroscopic
After graduation: Assistant professor at Uniiversity of Washington.
Email: hvincent[at]ethz.ch
Dr. Brian Goodfellow
Ph.D., 2011, Chemical Engineering
Thesis Title:
After graduation: DOW Chemical Company
Dr. Matthew Panthani
Ph.D., 2011, Chemical Engineering
Thesis Title:
After graduation: Assistant Professor & Hebert L. Stiles Faculty Fellow, Iowa State University
Email: panthani[at]iastate.edu
Dr. Vahid Akhavan
Ph.D., 2011, Chemical Engineering
Thesis Title: Photovoltaic Devices Based on Cu(In1-xGax)Se2 Nanocrystal Inks
After graduation: Novacentrix
Dr. Reken Patel
Ph.D., 2010, Chemical Engineering
Thesis Title: Aspects of bottom-up engineering: synthesis of silicon nanowires and
assembly of colloidal nanocrystals
After graduation: Intel
Dr. Andrew Heitsch
Ph.D., 2010, Chemical Engineering
Thesis Title: Synthesis and characterization of silicon nanowires, silicon nanorods, and
After graduation: DOW Chemical Company
Email: Andrew.T.Heitsch[at]gmail.com
Dr. Bonil Koo
Ph.D., 2009, Chemical Engineering
Thesis Title: CdTe/CdSe/CdTe heterostructure nanorods and I-III-VI2 nanocrystals: synthesis and
After graduation: Argonne National Labs
Dr. Damon Smith
Ph.D., 2009, Materials Science and Engineering
Thesis Title: Mechanical, electromechanical, and optical properties of germanium
After graduation: CNM/TMI, University of Texas at Austin
Dr. Danielle Smith
Ph.D., 2009, Chemical Engineering
Thesis Title: Synthesis and Characterization of Carbon Nanotubes, Gold Nanorods, Silica Coated
Nanocrystals, and Binary Nanocrystal Superlattices
After graduation: Post-doctoral fellow, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Email: Danielle.Smith[at]nrel.gov
Dr. Dayne Fanfair
Ph.D., 2008, Chemical Engineering
Thesis Title: Solution phase synthesis and characterization of III-V, II-VI and CdSe.08Te.92
semiconductor nanowires
After graduation: Bristol-Meyers-Squibb
Dr. Doh Chang Lee
Ph.D., 2007, Chemical Engineering
Thesis Title: Silicon nanowires, carbon nanotubes, and magnetic nanocrystals: synthesis,
and applications
After graduation: Assistant Professor, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Email: dclee[at]kaist.edu
Dr. Hsing-Yu Tuan
Ph.D., 2007, Chemical Engineering
Thesis Title: Synthesis and characterization of silicon and germanium nanowires, silica
and germanium telluride/tellurium nanostructures
After graduation: Assistant Professor, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Email: hytuan[at]che.nthu.edu.tw
Dr. Tripp Davidson
Ph.D., 2006, Chemical Engineering
Thesis Title: Synthesis and characterization of III-V semiconductor nanowires and fabrication of
colloidal nanorod solar cells
After graduation: Intel
Dr. Ali Ghezelbash
Ph.D., 2006, Chemical Engineering
Thesis Title: Topics in colloidal nanocrystals: synthesis and characterization, polymorphism,
After graduation: Applied Materials
Dr. April Schricker
Ph.D., 2005, Chemical Engineering
Thesis Title: Electrical properties of single GaAs, Bi2S3 and Ge nanowires
After graduation: Sandisk
Dr. Felice Shieh
Ph.D., 2005, Chemical Engineering
Thesis Title: Semiconductor nanocrystals, nanorods, nanowires and applications in biomolecular
After graduation: Luminex
Dr. Aaron Saunders
Ph.D., 2005, Chemical Engineering
Thesis Title: Colloidal nanocrystals: synthesis and shape-control, interparticle interactions &
After graduation: Nanocomposix,
Dr. Cindy Stowell
Ph.D., 2005, Chemical Engineering
Thesis Title: Aspects of colloidal nanocrystals: patterning, catalysis and doping
After graduation: Sapling Learning [link]
Dr. Michael Sigman
Ph.D., 2005, Chemical Engineering
Thesis Title: Solventless synthesis, characterization, self-assembly of colloidal
After graduation: nGimat, formerly Nanoengineered Materials
Dr. Jessica Winter
Ph.D., 2004, Chemical Engineering
Thesis Title: Synthesis of Quantum Dot-Neuron Bioelectronic Interfaces using Directed
After graduation: Professor, The Ohio State University
Department of Chemical and
Dr. Tobias Hanrath
Ph.D., 2004, Chemical Engineering
Thesis Title: Germanium nanowires: synthesis, characterization, and utilization
After graduation: Associate Professor, Cornell University, Dept of Chemical Engineering
Email: th358[at]cornell.edu
Dr. Lindsay Pell
Ph.D., 2004, Chemical Engineering
Thesis Title: Controlled synthesis and characterization of silicon nanocrystals
After graduation: IBM
Dr. Chris Doty
Ph.D., 2003, Chemical Engineering
Thesis Title: Electron transport, self-assembly, and electroluminescence of nanocrystal
After graduation: Faculty Engagement Librarian, Georgia Institute of Technology
Dr. Nha V. Tran
Email: tvnha.hcmus@gmail.com
After Korgel Group:
Dr. Abbas Ghandi
Email: aghandi[at]che.utexas.edu
After Korgel Group:
Dr. Robert Barron
Email: rbarron[at]che.utexas.edu
After Korgel Group:
Dr. Colin Hessel
After Korgel Group: Young International Research Fellow, Institute of Process Engineering,
Academy of Sciences [link]
Dr. Jose Luis Hueso Martos
After Korgel Group: Research Associate, University of Zaragoza, Spain [link]
Dr. Justin Holmes
After Korgel Group: Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, University College Cork, Ireland [link]
Bruno Pescara
Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin
Email: bruno.pescara@helmholtz-berlin.de
Yuki Nakashima
Kyushu University
Email: nakashima.yuki.912[at]s.kyushu-u.ac.jp
Zachary Boring
Academic affiliation: Austin Community College
Email: zachary.boring@g.austincc.edu
Wei Liu
Assistant professor, Nankai university
Email: angelina8017@gmail.com
Kanta Yamaguchi
Masters student, Tohoku University
Email: yamaguchi@ism.mech.tohoku.ac.jp
CAO Meng
Associate Researcher, Shanghai University
Email: caomeng[at]shu.edu.cn
Lidia Ferrer-Tasies
Graduate Researcher, Institut de Ciéncia de Materials de Barcelona ICMAB - CSIC
Email: lferrer[at]icmab.es
Stacy Gorostiza
Email: anastaciadg@utexas.edu
Andrew Chen
Email: andrew.chen986@gmail.com
Phillip Boltan
Email: pboltan@utexas.edu
Areefa Rahman
Email: areefarahman@utexas.edu
Alan Sun
Email: alansun0@gmail.com
Joey Tate
Email: joeytate@utexas.edu
Randalynn Greene
Email: rmgreene@utexas.com
Omar Aly
Email: omar.aly@utexas.edu
Mokshin Suri
Email: mokshin.suri@yahoo.com
Drew Heilman
Email: drewheilman6@gmail.com
Bobi Simonsen
Email: bobisimonsen@gmail.com
Simmi Nandu
Email: simmi.nandu@utexas.edu
Newton Liu
Email: newtondliu@yahoo.com
Kyle Dalal
Email: kyledalal[at]utexas.edu
Richard Paul
Email: rspaul1[at]comcast.net
Arun Akkineni
Email: arunkumar.akkineni[at]gmail.com
Soa-Jin Sher
Email: soajin.sher[at]utexas.edu
Melody Valadez
Email: melody.v[at]utexas.edu
James Park
Email: jspark0426[at]gmail.com
Adi Shetkar
Email: aditya_shetkar[at]yahoo.com